Pokemon Go Therian Forme Thundurus Guide- Weaknesses, Counters, And More Tips
Time is running out to catch Therian Forme Thundurus in Pokemon Go. This new form of the Gen 5 Legendary is appearing in five-star Raid Battles until…
Battlefield Franchise Undergoes Major Shake-Up
Electronic Arts is making major changes to its development structure as it focuses on growing and expanding the Battlefield series following what has been a challenging launch…
The Last Of Us Factions Multiplayer Gets New Concept Art
2023 marks the 10-year anniversary of The Last of Us and to celebrate early, Naughty Dog has released a new look at its upcoming multiplayer title, Factions….
Where Is Xur Today- (July 21-25) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide
Now that Solstice is firing up some new activity in Destiny 2, it’s a good time to check in with Xur to see if the arms dealer…
Trials Of Osiris Rewards This Week In Destiny 2 (December 2-6)
It’s the start of a new weekend in Trials of Osiris, and if you’ve been battling to get your hands on the coveted Aisha’s Embrace and Reed’s…